These thoughts, posted on a former blog of mine back in November 2008, have been privately mentioned to me as soul-healing more than anything I’ve ever written.
One of my least favorite sentences came across my computer screen again last night:
God only gives you what you can handle.
I see or hear something like it almost every week — in a tragic news article, a blog entry, a well-meaning conversation.
A girl could get crushed under that kind of theology.
Scripture speaks of never having more temptation than you can escape, but offers no such promises in the way of circumstances. Telling the wife who has been cruelly betrayed, the family who is facing eviction, or the martyr on their way to the throne that there’s nothing going on they can’t handle is a spiritual tragedy. It places all the weight on their aching, bruised shoulders and their blood and tears on the hands of our God.
I find that God frequently allows quite a bit more than I can bear. My despair and inadequacy and fear are often the only vehicles that drive me to the One who can handle all things.
BobbyandJudi Chapman
Great stuff Kelly! You rock!
Kelly Adkins
thanks, Bobby & Judy. would love to see you guys!
BobbyandJudi Chapman
we will get by the new campus soon
Kelly T
I have heard that my whole life and can with certainty say that circumstances in my life have been more than I can handle many , many times and it always brings me to my knees. I can be comforted that I have a heavenly Father who loves me and who I can go to in those times and not feel alone. There is nothing like feeling the loving hand of the Father wrap His love around me and show me the way. Thanks for reminding me.
Perfect message, especially for today.
Needed it. Thanks.
Also, I think I actually remember the original post, as 2008 was also a very difficult season for me. Looking back, it seems like roses in comparison. Perspective. Wow.
Well stated. Much needed. The challenges are there and I feel overwhelmed. It is amazing how often I am calling on God each day. The situation is definitely causing me grief, but also bringing me even closer to God. Praying that this season will pass quickly, and when it does that I still continue to rely on God as much as I am right now.