If you’re like me, you want your spiritual life to be the most important part of your life.
But somehow, all of the other parts of your world keep getting in the way.
• Maybe you feel like you don’t have enough time to spend on your life with God in the every day.
• Maybe you’re distracted, and you aren’t all that motivated to read your Bible or focus during prayers.
• Maybe you feel close to God after a sermon, or a conference, or a time of worship, but you feel far away again as soon you get back to your daily responsibilities.
I’ve felt that way, too. And when I do, one of the biggest reasons is that I believe life with God has to be a big project — another goal on my to-do list. I think if I don’t have a huge chunk of time to spend reading scripture each day, or if I don’t spend every lunch hour in prayer, or if I can’t get away from my kids or work for a three-day private spiritual retreat (L to the OL), that I’m not really doing anything worthwhile.
But as I’ve grown up and older a bit, I’ve learned that’s just not true.
While we do need big spiritual awakenings once in awhile, and it’s great to have extended, focused times with God that shake us out of our routines, we need small, everyday moments with God far more — moments where we nibble at a small taste of truth, building a holy appetite that brings hunger for God to our regular, routine, get-it done days.
It’s doing this, in tiny minutes and moments when you can, that gradually works your spiritual life into your whole life. It fashions all the scattered parts of your world into a table where you can see and meet with God.
A few years back, I decided to take my love of writing and put it to work to end my excuses about studying the Bible. I set out to write through the entire book of Colossians, verse by verse. When I started, I wanted to write twice a week. After awhile, I realized I could only manage once a week. Sometimes I couldn’t even do that.
But I kept at it anyway. I spent small moments here and there — wherever I could find them — thinking about a verse of the Bible, praying half-sentence prayers about it, jotting down notes on my iPhone.
It took three years. But together, all those small moments produced about 75,000 words of focusing on scripture — a whole book’s worth of thoughts I’d never thought before.
It produced something else, too: change in me. I see my daily world — my work, my chores, my family, my time, my pain — in new ways because of these small moments in the Bible. I think differently. I feel differently. I respond to my wins and losses with new tools, ideas, and connections. More than ever, my spiritual life is my whole life, and I see God at work everywhere.
My goal for this blog is to help that happen for you, too. I’m working on my next project, Plan Your Joy, and some other things, too, and I hope you’ll walk along with me.
God tells us that His word has the power to transform us. I believe that, for most people, that transformation is process of moments rather than one momentous process. Hopefully this site can make some of those kinds of moments for you. Subscribe today to get new content delivered to your inbox.
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I’m a pastor’s wife, mom of three, writer, designer, communications director and NBA fan.
I have been writing for a living in some form since I left my graduate program at Wheaton College — first in marketing, then as a freelance copywriter, then for the Church. My work has been featured by ChristianityToday.com, ChurchLeaders.com, The Gospel Coalition, BibleGateway.com and Christian Media Magazine.
I’ve been married to my husband Mike for almost 25 years. We live in the Orlando, Florida area, where he’s the Senior Pastor of Grace Church. I homeschool — my youngest are still at home and my oldest is now in college (ages 11, 16 and 23 — seriously genius family planning right there, amiright?). My oldest was born when I was in a coma on life support — I almost died during my first pregnancy due to respiratory failure. Living through that, church planting, and the loss of my father and brother to cancer are the hardest things I’ve ever done. Being sarcastic and eating carbs are the easiest.
If you’re new here and want to get a feel for what happens, here are some of the top posts:
When You Feel Like You’re Falling Behind
The Most Important Thing My Husband Ever Taught Me
When You Don’t Feel God
When You Feel Shaken
How to Make the Right Choices
Being vs. Doing: Finding Balance
How to Find Yourself
Email me, or feel free to connect on Facebook, Twitter or — my favorite — Instagram.