When I was nineteen, I was angry at my father, mostly because I thought that’s what any good nineteen-year-old should be. For a time, I laid my aches and faults at his feet in a bitter pile of blame. You …
I read the following quote in my 20s, and like many things from this classic book on daily life as a Christian woman, I’ve never forgotten it: Jealously guard a daily time spent alone with God. Jesus did! He sent the multitudes away — …
Hello, my name is Kelly.
I'm a writer. A wife. A working mom. A survivor of abuse, a coma, and teenagers. I fight for joy.
I'm also a communications director, church planter, and an Orlando Magic fan (yes, still).
Some of my work has been featured by ChristianityToday.com, ChurchLeaders.com, The Gospel Coalition and Christian Media Magazine.