when God’s face goes dark.

Three years ago this fall, I quietly faced one of the bleakest seasons of my life. People and roles and thoughts I used to cover myself peeled away like discarded labels, leaving me unclothed and uncategorized. I had no home. …

should you have ‘no regrets’?

Some people live by a “no regrets” policy, never looking back or learning from mistakes because they don’t think they made any in the first place. I don’t recommend it. “Everything happens for a reason” doesn’t mean I need either …

the seduction of our enemies.

There is undeniable joy in having an enemy. Enemies give us a place for our pain — a direction for our anger and our aches and our energy. They put a face and a cause to our suffering; they give us a …

finding God in the midst of your mess.

King Ahaz of Judah is going to fix things. Syria and Israel have joined forces to conquer him, and it’s only a matter of time until the battle begins (Isaiah 7). By night, he lies awake in terror, his heart …

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