For a few months now, I’ve been thinking about writing through a book of the Bible for my own personal study and discipline. And then I began thinking about walking through it with someone I’m mentoring online. And as I …
Our family had the chance to go to the beach a few weeks back, a generous three-night gift from a friend. And just so we’re being honest at the start of this Colossians thing, “go to the beach” for this …
In case you’re not up on your Apostle Paul, his story from conversion to the end of Acts goes something like this: bright light, Jesus, blind, un-blind, preach, flee, jail, stoning, preach, beating, flee, preach, arrested, shipwreck, snakebite, preach, prison, …
So far we’ve talked about both the readers and writer of this letter to the church at Colossae to kick off The Colossians Project, and now we’re on to the content of the book itself. So let’s open those Bibles …
One Saturday night a few weeks back, I stumbled upon a website about celebrity atheists and, much to the dismay of The Pastor, I read approximately 792 quotes from famous non-believers aloud to him while he ironed his preachin’ shirt …
Grace and peace. There are days when these words fall on us like ash instead of rain — times like yesterday’s Boston Marathon bombing, when sweet promises turn bitter and hope is shrouded in the smoke of our depravity. I …