In the beginning, God set limits on the light and the dark. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. Genesis …
We consume far more information and ideas than any time in history. We also spend far less time acting on any of it. In my own life, I call this The Pinterest Gap (you’ll see why in a second). But …
I was his nanny for five years; I remember the day he died. This boy I once listened to and read to and sung to and rocked to sleep — he lived to 16, got into his car, and smashed …
A question from my inbox: I get so paralyzed by what people think about me. How do I move beyond this fear? – J I’m with you, friend. I can’t tell you all the things I’ve let this kind of …
Hello, my name is Kelly.
I'm a writer. A wife. A working mom. A survivor of abuse, a coma, and teenagers. I fight for joy.
I'm also a communications director, church planter, and an Orlando Magic fan (yes, still).
Some of my work has been featured by,, The Gospel Coalition and Christian Media Magazine.